sahara desert


splash plage


A LinkedIn clone geared towards aerialists, allowing users to search for and network with other aerialists. Users can follow other users and post photo and video content.

splash page


An Instagram clone where users can connect with friends and overshare everything from daily moments to life’s highlights.

splash page


Inspired by my travels and constant quest to find a bathroom on the road, UnkoBnbB is an AirBnB clone geared towards humans who use bathrooms. Signed in users can add bathrooms to a database, and leave a review and rating for a bathroom.

splash page


A world wide hotel app where users can search by geocode or enter a destination and browse nearby hotels and their reviews.


Aerialist turned Software Developer

I am interested in making beautiful, user focused web applications.  My background in the arts and movement informs my approach to web design and coding.  After over a decade teaching yoga and aerial, I have honed my ability to break down complex patterns and dissect large problems into small pieces, skills that have served me well as a developer. I find many parallels between life on the mat, in the air and creating programs. Please reach out if you have any questions about my work or would like to work with me in the future!


  • React.js
  • Redux
  • JavaScript
  • Express
  • Flask
  • Python
  • Node.js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PostgreSQL
  • SqlAlchemy
  • Sequelize

Contact Me